Online Giving

"Then the people rejoiced because they had offered so willingly, for they made their offering to the
Lord with a whole heart..." - 
1 Chronicles 29:9


Good things are happening at FLC. Thank you for being a part of it with your giving. All promises and gifts, no matter how big or small, are tangible expressions of faith.

Now online giving is available…it is a safe and easy way to support the ministries of FLC through Paypal. Click on the donate button below to make a gift. Please click in the area that says Donor's name and donation allocation and enter your name and where the money is going. You can also add your envelope number and/or split the gifts up into different areas. 

Example: Ole Olson, #954, $20 Caring Hearts and Hands gifts, $50 General

With this example, Ole Olson donated a total of $70 dollars going into two areas, Caring Hearts and Hands and General Funds. Ole's envelope number is 954. 

If nothing is entered, your gift will be placed into your General Fund.